The Go-Ahead Group today published its sustainability report for the year ended 1 July 2018, coinciding with the Group's Annual General Meeting.
This publication illustrates the company’s sustainability performance and progress against all aspects of the organisation's strategy.
This publication illustrates the company’s sustainability performance and progress against all aspects of the organisation's strategy.
Katy Taylor, Commercial and Customer Director, explains: “We are proud to be part of the local communities where we provide transport services. Our devolved approach means that our locally focused management teams are more responsive to the different needs of local customers, communities and other stakeholders.”
“Our business model is built on sustainability and we are proud of our achievements to date, especially in the area of air quality where public transport has a leading role. We recently launched a pilot of an air filtering bus in Southampton which, over the course of a year will clean the air on its route 2.4 times a years to a height of 10 metres”
Other sustainability achievements highlighted in the report are:
- 20.4% reduction in carbon emissions per passenger journey, achieving our three-year CO2 emissions target ahead of schedule
- Recognition for operating in accordance with the ISO 20400:2017 standard on sustainable procurement
- First FTSE 350 company to achieve the Fair Tax Mark
- Holders of FTSE4Good for eight year running
- Commitment to further understand the implications of climate change both from an operational and financial perspective, and working to develop Science Based Targets
The Group also publishes sustainability reports for all its subsidiary operating companies which can be viewed at http://www.go-ahead.com/en/sustainability/performance-and-reports.html