Go North West begins operating bus services
We’re delighted to announce that as of today, Sunday 2nd June, Go North West (GNW) bus services from Queens Road depot are in operation.
Initially, GNW will replicate the current service. However, our team are working on enhancements that will be announced in the future.
Continuing with the Go-Ahead focus on customer experience and local leadership, Queens Road will house a new senior management team and new, in-house customer service team – employing local people with local knowledge to deliver a better service.
Our customers will benefit from our new app, where tickets can be purchased, and our new website www.gonorthwest.co.uk – which provides passengers with service and ticketing information. Real time information will soon be available through the app to help passengers plan their journeys.
David Cutts, Interim Managing Director of Go North West, said: “We are pleased to be running buses from Queens Road, and we look forward to serving the people of Manchester.
“Go North West has committed to providing our passengers with a high-quality service and continuing the record bus passenger satisfaction score of 92% that Go-Ahead achieved this year.
“There is a refurbishment and replacement plan in place, to update the current fleet of buses and we look forward to announcing further improvements in the coming weeks.
“I’d also like to thank the Go North West team who have worked on the transition process and the staff at Queens Road who have been very welcoming and who officially join the GNW team today.”